LPC1347 LPCXpresso Board

Manufactured By:NXP
LPC1347 LPCXpresso Board LPC1347 LPCXpresso Board
LPC1347 LPCXpresso Board
LPC1347 LPCXpresso Board
Part Number:OM13045,598

The LPC1347 LPCXpresso board (OM13045,598) with NXP's ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller has been designed to make it as easy as possible to get started with Cortex-M3. The LPCXpresso comprises a target board combined with a JTAG debugger. A free Eclipse-based IDE from Code Red is also included.

The LPC1347 has 12 (8+2+2) kB SRAM, 64 kB Flash, 4 kB E2PROM, USB 2.0, SSP, I2C, UART, ADC, etc. Embedded Artists also provides a Prototype board and a Base board that makes it possible to make experiments and prototyping with many peripherals.

LPCXpresso™ is a new, low-cost development platform available from NXP. It supports NXP's ARM-based LPC microcontroller, having full chip support for over 200 LPC parts. The platform is comprised of a simplified Eclipse-based IDE and low-cost target boards which include an attached JTAG debugger.

The LPC1347 are ARM Cortex-M3 based microcontrollers for embedded applications featuring a high level of integration and low power consumption. The ARM Cortex-M3 is a next generation core that offers system enhancements such as enhanced debug features and a higher level of support block integration.

The LPC1347 operate at CPU frequencies of up to 72 MHz. The ARM Cortex-M3 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline and uses a Harvard architecture with separate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for peripherals. The ARM Cortex-M3 CPU also includes an internal prefetch unit that supports speculative branching.

Equipped with a highly flexible and configurable Full-Speed USB 2.0 device controller available on the LPC1347, this series brings unparalleled design flexibility and seamless integration to today’s demanding connectivity solutions.

The peripheral complement of the LPC1347 includes up to 64 kB of flash memory, 8 kB or 10 kB of SRAM data memory, one Fast-mode Plus I2C-bus interface, one RS-485/EIA-485 USART with support for synchronous mode and smart card interface, two SSP interfaces, four general purpose counter/timers, an 8-channel, 12-bit ADC, and up to 51 general purpose I/O pins.

Key Applications: Consumer peripherals, Medical, Industrial control, Handheld scanners, USB audio devices


  • Processor    
    • NXP's Cortex-M3 LPC1347 microcontroller in LQFP48 package
  • Flash: 64 kB
  • Data Memory: 12 kB (8+2+2)
  • E2PROM Memory: 4 kB
  • Clock Crystals: 12.000 MHz crystal for CPU
  • Dimensions: 35 x 140 mm
  • Power: 3.15V-3.3V external powering, or from USB via JTAG probe (LPC-LINK)
  • Connectors    
    • mini-B USB connector for LPC1347 USB interface
    • All relevant LPC1347 pins available on expansion connector (2x27 pin rows, 100 mil pitch, 900 mil between rows)
  • Other
    • Embedded JTAG (LPC-LINK) functionality via LPCXpresso toolchain
    • LPC-LINK can be connected to external target processor after modifications to the LPCXpresso board
    • LED on PIO0_7

Ships With

  • The LPCXpresso Kit (EA-XPR-111) is a bundle containing the LPC1347 LPCXpresso Board (EA-XPR-011) and the LPCXpresso Base Board (EA-XPR-021).

Required Tools

Accessory Tools
